Saturday, August 15, 2015

Healing Water

Most days I look around me and see beauty every where.  I am grateful for the gift of Life in a human body.  For the chance to explore this gorgeous world.  I see people who pour their Hearts out and offer themselves in service to creating a better World.  I see the Plants shining and calling us back Home to ourselves.  I am soothed by the sounds of the birds and insects and wind and water.  Oh, my Heart is open and I am grateful.

Then there are those days, when I am overwhelmed with the Pain and Destruction.  When I think there is no Hope.  When I want to say, “Let’s just call this Human thing a failed experiment and let Nature return to her wholeness without us before we ravage more of her beauty and purity.”

I see this as a reflection of the state of our World.  Depending on where you are and what you are looking at, you could see the Hope and Beauty or you could see the devastation and destruction.  (Of course, many people see none of this, choosing to keep their heads in the sand.)  It is not clear what the future is for humanity, which makes this time oh, so important.  What we do or don’t do now could determine if we will move into a co-creative relationship with Nature and continue or if we will further destroy this world, killing more species, possibly including the Humans.

I have been oscillating even more between these 2 ever since I saw those heartbreaking photos of the Animas River in Colorado turned orange by toxic waste.  I keep wanting to believe that this world is filled with amazing people and she is returning to health.  Yet, I start weeping as I see these images.  Wondering, how can she be clean again?  And I think of all the other Waters who have been poisoned by our ignorance and lack of reverence.   

I finally allowed myself to read an article about this.  Of course, there was the classic question, “Who will be responsible for cleaning this?”  And I think, aren’t we all?  Isn’t this Water part of all of us?  Yes, we may not be the owner of the mine company, we may not have family who worked in that mine.  However, we may have benefited from it.  Is there anyone (at least in the US) who has never bought or used something that has been mined before?   

This is of course, only one way that Water becomes polluted.  There are countless ways that this happens every day.  I live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, a farming community.  There has been an enormous campaign here by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation because farming practices that created run-off including manure and pesticides/herbicides were poisoning the Bay, which is hours from but downstream of where I live.  Then there’s oil spills, fracking, chemicals from industries, ... the list can continue.

No matter what causes the pollution at a specific area, we are all involved and connected.  We continue to feed the paradigm that allows our Mother to be abused and ravaged and poisoned.  What I struggle with so much, is how is it not understood that when we do this to the Earth, we do this to ourselves, our children, our grandchildren?  When I see an orange River, I feel my body constricting, my functions closing, my Heart weeping.  Even though I have never seen that River, I am her, and she is me.  I realize that most people prevent themselves (mostly unconsciously) from having such a personal relationship with the Earth.  However, can we not understand that toxic means deadly?  When we dump poisons and toxins in the Earth, they resurface somewhere in some form.  Since the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe all are from this Earth, we and our children and generations forward will be consuming these toxins in one form or another.  If we cannot open our Hearts to Love this amazing place that we call Home which gives us absolutely everything that our Life depends on and way more, can’t we at least protect our children and find a way to co-habit here along with the other marvelous Beings without poisoning everyone?

I know that it is possible to heal Water.  In her book, Medicine for the Earth, Sandra Ingerman discusses how we can transmute the toxins in our environment and shares her own experiences with healing Water.  There are other methods too, including bioremediation and the more scientific approaches.  While these latter methods may help to remove the toxins, I believe Water can only truly heal when we re-member her.  That is when, we honor the wonderful gift of her, return these gifts with our Love and Gratitude and Reverence.  Love and Gratitude raise the vibrations, these can help Water remember who she is; help her return to her high vibrancy.  There are many wonderful people who are working to bring Healing to our Earth, including the Waters.  We need more.  Really, this is a job for all of us. 

This can seem like a giant task and it is easy to be overwhelmed.  I suggest starting small.  A great place to begin is by thanking Water.  Thank the Water that you drink every day, thank the Ocean that you swim in, thank the Rivers, thank the Dew, thank the Rain.  Another way would be to place some Water in a special glass or bowl and speak and blow your prayers into her.  Let these be prayers of Gratitude, as well as requests for forgiveness.  Speak your Love for her, your Hopes for her running free and pure again, filled with Life and Vibrancy.  Then pour this blessed Water into a Water source.  The Organization of Nature Evolutionaries filmed a Gratitude Circle that they held for Water after a River in West Virginia was polluted.  You can see the Video here to help you create your own Gratitude Circle.

And of course, the best way to heal Water is to prevent her being poisoned in the first place. 

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