Friday, February 19, 2016

Dreaming the Earth of Love

Several nights ago I had a extraordinarily vivid dream.  I woke up in the early morning hours and went outside to look at the sky.  What I saw was mesmerizing.  There were 6 Planets in a cluster, not quite in a line, more like in a formation of some sort.  What was more incredible, these Planets were large and clearly visible, about the size of full Supermoon.  It felt like I could reach out and touch them.

I called to the person that I was with and asked him to come outside.  He had to see this.  I said, "I've heard people talking about the line-up."  We were enthralled with the beauty.  We started naming the Planets.  Jupiter was very clear (and large).  That's when I saw her, a Planet of blue and green.  She was whirling through the sky and my Heart leapt.  I said, "There's the Earth!"  I had such Love for her and was completely enamored by her Beauty.  (I wish I could share the Love that I felt and that was pouring out of me at the sight of her.)

Suddenly I realized that if I was looking at the Earth, I was no longer on her.  I awoke shortly afterwards.

While I do want to do some more work with this dream and get some clarity around where I was, the more important part for me was the Love I felt.  I, like most people, have had moments of utter despair.  Times when I was ready to leave this planet, when I thought this is too difficult a challenge.  But seeing the Earth like that, feeling the Love that I have for her, made me realize that for better or for worse, I am committed.  I will do what I need to do to help her (which includes her inhabitants) thrive.

I have long been an Earth Lover.  Enchanted by her Beauty and delighted by her abundant bounty.  When I was a teenager, I learned that this is "odd".  I was given the title, environmentalist (this is one of the nicer names).  I really didn't understand this.  Now, 20 years later, I am just as confused.  Doesn't everyone Love the Earth?

I don't understand how you could not fall on your knees and weep tears of gratitude.  I know that it is difficult for some to be in their Hearts or to cry tears of anything.  Even so, it only takes a minute to realize the pure miracle of life on this Planet.  Think of the air that we breathe and that it is the Plants who give us the gift of oxygen.  Or the water and how she is continually recycled.  Or the seed, that precious little package that contains 25 Zucchinis or a Maple tree.  Each of these is part of many complex processes, which we simplify for ease into the water cycle, etc.  Really, just trying to think about all that is involved in one of these processes, blows my mind to the point, that I can't think anymore.  And so, all I can do is feel and Love and be overwhelmed with Gratitude.

There is much fighting and discord these days (both internally and externally).  I think, "Why?"  What is the point?  When we are surrounded by such unbelievable Beauty and so many incredible gifts, why would we waste our precious time on this remarkable Planet like this?  Surely there are more important things to do like sitting with a Tree and thanking her for the air we breathe, for the warmth her branches provide, for the tasty fruit she so willing shares.  Or sticking your nose in the ground and smelling that delicious Earth, thanking the Earthworms and Mycelium and all the many creepy crawlies who decompose the plant matter and turn this into Soil to feed new life.

And isn't it time to turn to the people who share this Planet with us and say, "Hey!  I see you there!  Isn't this a crazy ride?  How did we get so lucky?!  And look at you, with that skin and those bones.  Look at the many shapes they make.  Look how Beautiful you are!  I have skin and bones too, mine make different shapes and colors.  Isn't it crazy?!  Who would have thought that you can combine the same elements and get such varying results?  Truly amazing!  Hey, did you eat a fig yet?"

We are all part of this round spaceship.  Our survival and even more important, our ability to thrive is intricately linked to the surviving and thriving of everyone else who is on this with us.  (By everyone, I mean every Being - not just humans.)  As humans, we each only have a relatively short time to enjoy this experiment.  So enough with this separation bullshit.  Enough with fighting or hating or not-worthiness.  Enough with better than or exploitation or destruction.  Let's move on to exploring and delighting in this beautiful spaceship, in the bounty that she provides everywhere you look, in the truly artistic creations, and in each other.  Humanity is capable of so much, I mean really, it only takes a quick perusal through reality TV to see the many different talents that people have worldwide (and this is far from the best humanity has to offer).  Just imagine what we are capable of, what we could experience, the Beauty that we could create (with the other Beings on this spaceship), if we would stop wasting our time and start focusing on the Love that connects us all!

I know it can be difficult.  I know that there are systems set up to keep us from re-membering our connection, our Love.  When you see the Earth like I did in my dream.  And your Heart leaps out of your chest.  When you see her like that, you don't remember the arguments or the separation, all you remember is the Love!  So let me tell you, it is time.  It is time to re-member and remember.  It is time to awaken.  It is time to Love.

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