Friday, February 19, 2016

Let's Talk about Sex ... Sacred Sex that is!

Turn on the television, watch a movie, listen to the radio, drive down the road and you will see images of sex.  Sex is everywhere.  Sex sells.  The media tends to encourage men (and women) to have as much sex as possible with whomever they can.  There are some scenes that depict this as a loving act; however, the focus continues to be on an act of pleasure and the man having an orgasm.  This is the form of sex that is considered the “norm” in our culture.  What most people do not realize is that this is limiting.  Sex is meant to be more than a form of pleasure and more than a way to insure the survival of our species.  Sex is meant to be a Sacred act.  So let’s talk about (Sacred) Sex!

Sacred Sex recognizes that sexual acts are a way of creating intimacy and connection between two partners and that their joining has the potential of raising their consciousness, which can lead to: inspirations, insights, and understandings; astral travel; healing; increased energy and vitality; remembering their own Divinity and recognizing the Divinity of their partner; Oneness; connection with the Divine, and more.  With Sacred Sex, the focus is on the connection and the energies created, as well as, on honoring the Divine in each other, rather than on pleasure and orgasm.  Here’s the thing, the “side effect” of changing the focus is an increased amount of pleasure and often both men and women experience multiple orgasms that are longer lasting and more intense.

For millennia, there have been many different philosophies and techniques of Sacred Sex.  The scope of which is far beyond this newsletter.  As with religions, I feel all roads lead to One.  And it matters less what technique (if any) you are doing than what your intention is.  If you are interested in learning more, there are many books, videos, and classes that share methods of Sacred Sex.  As with most things in my life, my own journey with Sacred Sex began with a thought that there is something more, followed by explorations and personal experience, and then later confirmation of my insights through books.  Therefore, feel free to follow your own intuition of what feels right for you (and your partner).

Just because Sacred Sex is seldom discussed, portrayed, or taught does not mean that it is difficult or scary.  In fact, I believe it is how sex is meant to be.  The problem is that through Sacred Sex, one becomes her own authority and is able to tap into the Divine directly.  We know how the Church felt about “regular” people having a direct relationship with the Divine.  Plus, in Sacred Sex both partners are equal.  Some would even say that the woman is the guide, for it is often through the opening of her Heart Chakra that allows the man to tap into the broader energies.  Sacred Sex is a powerful tool that threatened the Church and Patriarchy. 

This may seem like an odd subject for a newsletter about Natural Healing; however, I feel that Sacred Sex has a large role in both our personal and cultural healing.  For us to evolve and grow into who we are capable of being, we need to accept our full selves - this means honor both our masculinity and femininity.  And in order to be able to do that, we need to heal the wounds of Patriarchy, including raising Women above the role of Sexual objects.  Sacred Sex helps us to do this.  For in order to participate, you need to accept that your partner is a Divine Being.  We also know that sexual abuse (along with sexual addiction and pornography) is very high in our culture.  And that there is a high rate of those who were abused become abusers.  Sacred Sex has the possibility of stopping that trend.  For with the right partner, one can heal and re-member what it is to be a healthy sexual Being.  (Of course, outside help may be needed including therapy, Flower Essences, or other forms of assistance.)

Since I mentioned partner, let’s talk about this.  The partner is a key aspect to Sacred Sex, for in order to have any of these conscious raising experiences, both partners need to feel safe and free.  It is especially helpful if there is a large Love or Heart connection between them.  Please know that one can experience Sacred Sex without a partner.  In fact, many of the different techniques suggest starting as a solo practitioner until you are ready to engage with a partner.  This is particularly helpful for men who are learning to control or refrain from ejaculation. 

Hopefully by now you are curious and want to explore Sacred Sex.  As I said earlier, specific techniques are beyond the scope of this newsletter.  However, I encourage you to treat your next Love making as a very Sacred and Divine act.  Create a sanctuary or a temple for your explorations.  If you know how to set Sacred space, do this, call in the energies of your guides, call in Rose or Cacao or another Plant to help you, ask that the energies you create through your connection be used to feed the Divine.  And then, have fun, take your time, look at your partner with new eyes, and remember that when you touch her, you are touching the Divine and when you pleasure him, you are pleasuring the Divine.

Oh and one final thing, Sacred Sex helps to increase the Love in this world.  You may find that by practicing Sacred Sex, you are able to feel, express, and receive more Love.  At the end of the day, this is the question that we are asked, “Did you Love as much as you could?”

Artist unknown

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