Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A World of Beauty

As a sensitive person, my Heart hurts sometimes when I look around and see how we live and how we treat one another and Nature.  And other times, I look out and all I can see is Beauty.  My Heart wells and I begin to cry with Gratitude and Hope.

This Winter, I was watching events unfold with horror at the hatred and violence that was being expressed, especially through our (the US) presidential campaigns.  (Don’t worry, I’m not going into politics.)  As I listened, my Heart hurt; however, I started realizing that none of this was new.  Some of these racist, sexist, antisemitic, anti-Muslim, homophobic, and classist sentiments have been expressed openly; others underlie our cultural structures; and others have been thought but not expressed, at least not publicly.  While I do not in any way condone or agree with these, I am grateful for the expression.  I consider these thoughts, statements, and actions as an expression of our cultural Shadow.  When we are afraid of our Shadow or when we try to suppress it, it only festers and grows.  From my experience, the best way to “deal” with the Shadow is to acknowledge it.  Then we can begin to see what the underlying issues are.  Generally, what we consider to be the Shadow is a fear that was created due to a wound or unmet need.  When we begin to shine Light on this area, we realize that the fear is not as big and scary as we thought and now, we can bring healing to the wounds and ultimately ourselves or in this case, our culture.  Let’s be honest, there are many wounds and unmet needs in our society and we have been allowing our fears to run rampant for too long.

As I look out now, I again see Beauty and Hope, for these expressions have created dialog.  We are now talking about the hidden and subtle ways that our culture promotes racism, sexism, and the other forms of discrimination.  This is great!  Now that we are acknowledging them, we have a better chance of healing and changing these.  We are all connected; therefore, hatred directed at someone else, effects us.  We are also effected when someone is treated with Love.  It is like the story of the two wolves, we have a choice, we can respond with fear and anger or we can respond with Love and compassion.  Our response determines the world that we live in.  Again and again, the message that I receive is that this stage of the evolution of humanity requires a collective evolution.  This means that while it is important that we each do our individual work, our next big step will only occur by working together for the good of all.

The World of Love and compassion is the world that I want to live in and I imagine what that feels like every day.  As I do this and as I work with the Plants, I am continually told that we have all the tools we need to create this world.  We have many wonderful Guides who are willing and wanting to help the Humans learn to work cooperatively and co-creatively.  The issue is that we need to be able to receive their teachings, lessons, and gifts.

We all have an innate ability to communicate with other species; however, most of us have forgotten this or been taught that it is not possible.  I believe that it is imperative that we remember this skill, our survival depends on it.  More than this, when you learn how to communicate with Plants and Nature Spirits, your life becomes fuller and more meaningful.  You gain a better understanding of yourself and why you are here.  You are able to actively participate in the world around you.  This is why I offer Plant Communication classes.  We are capable of communicating with all Beings.  I teach Plant communication because I think it is the easiest way to start down this path.  We have an incredible relationship with Plants (even when we are not conscious of this).  It is Plants who provide the air we breathe and it is Plants who are the basis of our foods (including animals).  With every breath and every bite of food, we receive messages.

The Plants have been stepping forward in amazing ways asking us to connect with them and remember who we are.  Now it is our responsibility to meet them.  If you do not remember how to communicate with other species, I encourage you to join me for the Plant Communication Workshop June 3rd-5th in West Chester, PA.  This weekend is focused on awakening and deepening your relationship with Plants.  You will learn various ways of communicating and receiving information from them.  Through this process, we often gain insight into ourselves and receive healings.  If you can not join me, then I highly recommend that you find another class or workshop to re-learn this skill.  If you email me, I can share some other recommendations and try to help you find the right class.  I truly think that it is the responsibility of every Human to know how to communicate with other Beings.  We so often think of responsibility as a burden; however, in this case, it’s like winning the jackpot!  It is such an amazing gift, for which I cannot even begin to explain the rewards.

Once you know how to communicate with Plants (and other Beings), the magic begins!  If you have this skill, then I have a special opportunity for you, Plant Initiations!!  Plant Initiations have been important in cultures around the world for ages; Carole Guyett of Derrynagittah in Ireland has brought the work forward by having Initiations with “common” Plants.  This is another way for us to go into deep harmony and connection with Nature and to learn from the Plants.  I am hosting a Tulsi Sacred Plant Initiation July 29th-31st, which is 3 days of fasting (recommended, not required), consuming a Sacred Elixir, and doing ceremony with Tulsi (Holy Basil).  Plant initiations are a chance to move into deep union with a Plant, where the Plant is initiating you into the world of the Sacred Human.  Of all the work that I have done, it is the Plant initiations that live the strongest in me.  If you have any interest in working with Plants or if you want to awaken and grow, I HIGHLY recommend that you experience a Plant Initiation.  Pam Montgomery is hosting a Dandelion Initiation in Ohio, a St. John’s Wort Initiation in Vermont (which is full), and a Nettle Initiation in the UK.  Carole Guyett, the author of Sacred Plant Initiations, is hosting a Primrose Initiation in Ireland.  Go ahead, dive in, allow yourself to be connected, to be One.  As Pam Montgomery writes in the Forward for Sacred Plant Initiations: “The plants and trees are calling us to take up our rightful place and reclaim our birthright of being a part of Nature, not separate from it.  They are asking us to remember who we are, where we live, and how to live.  They are guiding us in our evolution to know the truth of our lineage as sacred humans, those who walk with Spirit and aliveness each and every day.”

If you look out at the world and wonder what is going on, why we are living this way or if your Heart is hurting from the violence, hatred, and destruction; I invite you to turn to our Guides and Helpers.  Go to the Plants.  Go to Nature.  Go to your Soul.  For there is Beauty in this World.  And there is Hope beyond Hope.  We have everything that we need to create the World of our Dreams.  It is up to us to work together with all the Beings to bring this into existence. 

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