Monday, June 20, 2016

Evolving Beyond Toxic Masculinity

There has been much in the news lately demonstrating Toxic Masculinity: the Trump rhetoric, the Stanford rape case, the mass shooting at Pulse.  As with everything, I recommend looking at the whole picture (as much as we can) to see what energies are at play.

Around Summer Solstice last year, I participated in a Mugwort Sacred Plant Initiation.  One of the gifts that I received from Mugwort during this ceremony is that she took me to another dimension.  From this place, I could see the whole of our dimension.  I could see how our dimension fragments everything, so that we see good/bad, etc.  However, from this higher dimension there is not fragmentation; the good/bad of our dimension is all the same, they both serve the same purpose.

In our current dimension, these are atrocious acts and yet, on another plane, they are part of the Beauty.  These acts are part of the goal to bring more Light into this world, to help us evolve.

So let’s talk about Toxic Masculinity.  First of all, I want to stress that this is not male bashing.  I have witnessed females expressing toxic masculinity.  We all have masculine and feminine energies, in fact, as we are starting to witness, gender is a more fluid construct than most previously thought.  Toxic masculinity is one of the byproducts of Patriarchy.  It is the expression of the “power over” dynamic.  It is also the epitome of the illusion of separation.  Toxic masculinity occurs when someone uses a power over dynamic to hurt another (in any form) or to make themselves feel better.  

Patriarchy and particularly this dynamic has contributed to many wounds in our society.  And not just for women, I think the men are the ones most hurt by patriarchy.  We know that patriarchy is ending, it no longer serves our society, our evolution.  As any good healer will tell you, often before you completely heal from a dis-ease or trauma, there is a last hoorah - one last, giant outbreak or breakdown.  I believe that this is what we are seeing with the toxic masculinity.  People who think that they have benefitted from the “power over” model can feel things shifting and it scares them.  So like any frightened animal, they will try to make themselves bigger to appear more fierce, they may even go on the attack, but what they are really expressing is their fear and insecurity.

As best we can, when we witness or experience toxic masculinity, it is in the highest good if we can meet this with compassion.  To see beyond the false front.  While we want to meet this with compassion, it is also important to name it.  To let those who are expressing their fear in this way know that this is not acceptable and of course to model a different way.  To help them understand that they have nothing to fear.

Patriarchy is ending.  The Feminine energy is increasing.  This does not mean that we are returning to Matriarchy.  This is a balancing.  Our evolution is about Unity Consciousness.  This means that all are honored and that we evolve together.  There no longer is an us/them dynamic (there never was).  We are the same being.  When we hurt someone (or some “thing”), we are also hurt.  This is why it is important to meet those who display the toxic masculinity with compassion, for they are also hurting.  No one has ever been healed by being shamed or attacked.  We heal through Love.  We heal by being seen.

So on this longest day of the year (for the northern hemisphere), when the Light is the strongest, I invite you to align yourself with this Light.  Allow yourself to feel the shift that is occurring and to remember that these acts are part of our evolution.  I invite you to meet fear and anger with compassion and Love both in others and within yourself.

And of course, there are many Plants that are here to help us.  They are here to help us regain balance, to heal the wounds of patriarchy, to evolve, to open our Hearts, to become Beings of Love and Compassion.

This is a small list of Plants/Essences that can help do this.  Unless otherwise noted, these are Essences from Brigid’s Way, they may have a different action and description than Essences of the same Plant from another company.  (You can always work with the Plant Spirits of these Plants.  The Essences from Brigid’s Way do contain the imprint of the Plant Spirits.)

Rose: Rose is the Queen of the Heart.  She holds our Hearts so tenderly, allowing them to expand even further.  She is a balancer of the masculine and feminine energies.  She teaches us how to be strong and soft at the same time.  A new form of strength which is needed for our evolution.

Male Fern: Male Fern heals the wounds of patriarchy and religion.  He is Phoenix energy and helps us find nourishment and strength among the ruins.   Male Fern helps us connect to ancient Sacred wisdom.

Motherwort: Motherwort is a boundary setter and protector.  She is Mother Bear.  Motherwort is also a balancer, helping us to balance the masculine and the feminine, and has a particular affinity for men who are not in touch with their feminine qualities.  For women who lack courage and masculine energy, Motherwort can help.

Blackberry Lily: Blackberry Lily is an incredible Essence for anyone who has experienced sexual abuse (one of the worst displays of toxic masculinity).  This essence clears the trauma from your energy field, which immediately heals the wounds and allows you to re-member how to have a healthy sexual relationship.  (Brigid’s Way does not currently have this Essence for sale.  I use Delta Garden’s Blackberry Lily with my clients.)

Queen Maeve: Queen Maeve is both Goddess and a historical figure.  She is fierce and feminine at the same time.  This Essence connects to the Divine Feminine, both in the greater world and within.  Queen Maeve is very empowering, giving strength, fierceness, and resiliency.  This Essence strengthens the feminine force within both males and females.

Achiote: Achiote is a protection essence, the Plant of the Warriors.  Achiote helps piece back together the wounded, lending strength and sense of wholeness.  This Essence is good for recovering from abuse; increasing self-confidence, and improving body image. Achiote helps recovery from eating disorders and taps into Hidden Wild Wise One. 

Grandmother Ayahuasca: Grandmother Ayahuasca is a Master Plant.  She is a guides our evolution by helping us connect to Nature, Divine, All, the Great Oneness.  More than connect, Grandmother Ayahuasca reminds us of our Oneness and helps us to experience the Divine.  She opens our Hearts to Nature and the Divine and allows us to experience the sensuality of Life.  This is a great shamanic journey Essence.

Hila: Hila is a protective Essence, she is the guardian of the Forest.  Hila also helps to clear trauma from the energy field and brings us back together, creates wholeness.  Infuses one with deep reverence for Earth and her Beings.

Be Still Tree: Be Still Tree fills you with great Peace and Presence, softening the edges, dissolving the separation, connecting with the Flow of the Universe.  Be Still Tree clears the debris, like shedding layers, increasing one’s vibrancy, filling with Golden Light, bringing into alignment with one’s soul path, with Unity Consciousness.  Assists with both Karmic and Ancestral Healing.

Calla Lily: Calla Lily is the Essence of Mother Mary.  This Essence helps us know compassion and increase our ability for compassion.

Tulsi: Tulsi is another major evolutionary guide.  Tulsi helps to connect our Hearts with the Holy Heart, the center of all.  Tulsi also reminds us of our soul’s purpose and can guide us through soul challenges.  Tulsi brings a soft, healing energy and helps us to (en)lighten.  (You can experience the depth and beauty of Tulsi during the Tulsi Sacred Plant Initiation.)

May the Light shine Bright within you and illuminate your path ahead.  May compassion fill your Heart.  May you re-member your connection to all.  May you be Love(d).

Blessed Solstice to you!

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