Thursday, December 17, 2015

Live Like a Tree

The Wheel is spinning again bringing us to the Darkest Night and then the strengthening Light.  While the Light is getting stronger and the days are slowly getting longer; for awhile, our nights continue to be dark and long.

This is the time of year of hibernation, of going inside oneself, exploring and learning.  Anyone who has done selfwork can tell you that it often is not easy; however, it is well worth it.  Sometimes you feel as if you may die, and like the caterpillar, you may very well die a figurative death, only to be reborn and discover your beautiful wings!

I have found that, not surprisingly, people tend to try to avoid inner self exploration.  This does bring up many fears.  What I have witnessed is that many cases of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is connected to a fear of self-discovery and healing.  The long (generally cold, though not so far this year) winter nights, often require quiet and solitude and rest.  When we slow down, when we quiet, we are more easily able to hear the knockings on our Soul’s door.  These may be our Ancestors, our Inner Child, our Lost Selves, or others.  Depression can start when we try to avoid these or suppress them, of course, this knocking gets louder and more insistent as time goes on, until it can no longer be ignored.  If you experience SAD, I suggest that you ask yourself if there is something that you are afraid to discover or that you want to ignore.  Of course, this may not be the cause for you, maybe you need more Vitamin D or Sunshine or maybe you’ve been burning the candle at both ends for too long and your body is begging for rest or maybe you feel trapped by the cold weather and this triggers a Karmic wound or maybe you experienced a trauma at this time of year and your body continues to respond to it or maybe it is something else.

My invitation to all of us is to live like a Tree.  If we look at a Tree, we see the gorgeous Trunk and at this time of year, bare branches.  We may think that the Tree is sleeping, tucked in for a Long Winter’s nap.  However, there continues to be much activity underneath the soil.  Some look at the Tree and only consider the seen parts; the wise know that the real life of the Tree continues in the dark.  It is the health and growth of the Roots that allow the health and growth of the Branches, Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit.  And so, we can say the same for ourselves.  Our health, growth, and well-being is dependent on our Energetic roots and that part of us that lives in the darkness otherwise known as the Shadow.

We come to life on Earth to learn lessons and to grow.  Sometimes these lessons are very difficult and sometimes life seems impossible.  However, if we are to become our True Selves, we need to move through these and learn.  When we try to bypass our lessons, we slow our evolution, as well as, humanity’s.  Another word for bypassing is escaping.  There are many ways to escape, some of them are well recognized: drugs, alcohol, TV, sex or the most extreme, suicide.  Others are less recognized: meditation; consciousness expanding techniques designed to open the 1st eye and crown chakras;  journeys or exercises to help move to the 5th dimension; Sacred Plant ceremonies, such as Ayahuasca ceremonies; or even religion.  Okay, so this may seem a little extreme.

First, we all need a break sometimes.  Hopefully this break is occasional and allows you to catch your breath, remember who you are and why you are here, and allows you to continue your work.  It is also wonderful and important to experience Bliss (which may occur with the “escaping” activities).  The problem occurs when we are so focused on Bliss or escaping that we forget about daily life and the lessons we are here to learn.  Let’s look at our Tree guide again, if he put all of his energy into the Branches or the Flowers and ignored his roots, it wouldn’t be long before he toppled over.

I feel the same is true for us.  Yes, meditation can be a wonderful tool.  Yes, it is great to have an expanded 1st eye or crown chakra and yes I think our goal shall be to live a Heart-centered life.  And when we expand the 1st eye and crown chakras without a strong root system, mental illness can set in (among other things).  This happens because we are no longer connected to the Earth, our support system and our filter.  Suddenly, we are able to receive much but lack the ability to discern what is True, what is ours, what is right for us and what is not.  

Again, I invite you to live like a Tree.  Focus on your Roots, on the growth within the Shadow.  When we do this, we face and heal our hidden fears, we reclaim those lost parts of ourselves, we heal our wounds, we remove the burdens including the Karmic and Ancestral burdens, we discover our True Essence.  As these are healed, our Roots become stronger, and our Light naturally becomes brighter.  We may find that our first eye and crown chakras begin to open naturally.  They open because we are ready for them to do so.  In my experience, the more deep work that I do, the greater I expand and the more Light I bring into my Being and my life.  (Of course, there is balance to this too.  If we only ever drudge through the “shit” and never take the time to enjoy the gifts, we also are not really experiencing Life.) 

Remember, along with going within and doing self exploration part of living like a Tree during this time of year means resting, moving slow, letting go of that which no longer serves you, and focusing on your wellbeing.

This newsletter focuses on the experience of those living in the Northern Hemisphere.  Sometime ago, I recognized the balance of the Earth.  For while those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are going within and hopefully resting, people in the Southern Hemisphere are igniting, being active, and creative.  We have a balance of inward and outward.  We live in an amazing and beautiful world!

However, you celebrate the strengthening of the Light at this time of year, may you find your own Light renewed and shining brightly.  

Many Blessings to you!!

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